
Showing posts from October, 2015


Life Life we all live is a giant illusion, as we grow older we leave behind our childhood and enslaved to paper, politics, religion, and poison. Money, is an illusion created man to control man and the system has been in place for ever it is a paper that we are forced to be enslaved by.  To keep this system up we have to form things around it make it what people crave and if you don't have it you are on the corner begging for it. Politics, because everyone wants to be a leader and the ones who don't have to use money to buy off that political person who fakes being a leader to earn more of the paper illusion. These people leading people has always been there even though we are capable of leading ourselves and providing for ourselves. Religion, worst illusion we have in place today, it is no different than the politicians, it is in the greed to be the worlds king, some are plugged into the matrix where it is to a point of complete enslavement with the illusion of peace and n...