

Life we all live is a giant illusion, as we grow older we leave behind our childhood and enslaved to paper, politics, religion, and poison.

Money, is an illusion created man to control man and the system has been in place for ever it is a paper that we are forced to be enslaved by.  To keep this system up we have to form things around it make it what people crave and if you don't have it you are on the corner begging for it.

Politics, because everyone wants to be a leader and the ones who don't have to use money to buy off that political person who fakes being a leader to earn more of the paper illusion. These people leading people has always been there even though we are capable of leading ourselves and providing for ourselves.

Religion, worst illusion we have in place today, it is no different than the politicians, it is in the greed to be the worlds king, some are plugged into the matrix where it is to a point of complete enslavement with the illusion of peace and non violence that they would kill themselves for the false gods they worship.  Real peace is one who lets go of the illusion and see what is there now, and see that there is no spoon and it was all an illusion that was written by a man to control mankind but eh, people are too blind to see and rather believe in the illusion than themselves. It is sad, you don't need religion for the illusional emotion of love nor world peace. For over 2,000 years we are enslaved to these scrolls and books you call a bible, controlled by a man to keep us enslaved in the ways, in the past 200 years when we started to let go and focus on science of what is here we have accomplished a whole lot more.

Poison, as we as a kid we tend to follow our parents and peer pressures by other kids as drugs and alcohol are the poisons we do to our body to a point we want more because if unlocks the hormone in our brains to feel good, when we take that first drug or first drink as a kid we in our minds become enslaved to the poison to be locked in the other grand illusions of money, politics, and religion. They do say when you are drunk it opens your deep darkest true self, actually it does not it, it just ensures you are enslaved for a life time. Even if you break free the first drug you take or the drink you swallow it changes your minds chemistry and you loose reality and all illusions are now your reality, when the body is aware of this illusion it will tend to fight it and the conflict is starts from within and thus creating the term angry drunk.

For me, I have seen this illusion young in life. I have seen the drugs how they change people from day in and day out. I never once taken a drug nor drank any type of alcohol. I am perhaps the only one who seen all these illusions young in and why I am an outcast to society. As growing up my creative mind is still here but I know illusions from reality as I have seen all my friends grown up on drugs or alcohol poisoned life, living the grand illusion of religion and be so blinded by the medias political agendas of pure illusion.

We don't need to have a marriage to be faithful to one and another in the illusion of family. If legal binding of the marriage to the illusion that it is a must then it is to each their own as it promotes enslavement and control.

My marriage didn't work because my ex wife heart was corrupt, and I couldn't be that illusion of control of what is classic man is. I didn't realize that or understand it then, I do now. I just wanted the illusion of family at the time even accepting the grand illusion of things.


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