All Lives do matter....

Just watching the news and seeing Marissa Jenae Johnson co-founder of the racist movement called "Black Lives Matter", Really, if you take one big look at it looking outside in, It is extremely racist and it's nothing but HATE breeding HATE and I see the news alot lately and all of a sudden it's riots. When people die, they die. This happens alot but people have to make Martyrs out of the ones of the human of a special "color" tone of their skin. 

As hate keeps getting fed, I am not white I am partial Black Foot Indian also known if you knew your history "Native American" just wanted to clear this up before I am automatically classified as a racist. I am very successful in my career and it's stupid for even the "black lives matter" has to be formed it is no different than any other type of "hate" groups out there. It's pure hate, it's evil, and yet we still let this go on? People are not dumb they do see right through the hate and thus "All Lives Matter" is created. 

There is no such thing as "white" privilege, you can say that there is but to you, it is your excuse to spread more hate. 

My question is to why stoop to a level below your intelligence?  All you are doing is building hate and making yourself and others look bad in the process. 

Now again more riots hit over some things you assumed what happened and not knowing the real research. Congrats BLM, you are showing more hate... and not delivering the message that you "think" is needed to be shown. I really wish anyone I mean anyone behind this "Black Lives Matter" would just shoot themselves because they are starting a war they will not win and these type of people we do not need in this world. There is nothing peaceful in any of these protests, they are just hate on hate.  

But of course the countless of other people are all wrong we are all wrong and we are the racists as they say when you point the finger at someone you have 3 other fingers pointing right back at you. 

We are only humans and yet you divide us with your hate a hate that should have died over 60 years ago. 

I don't see Native American's doing the same stand as "American Indians Lives Matters" because we know it would breed only hate and you have to rise above the hatred be above the system not below it yelling up with rocks. 


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