Yay, trump is president..

Yeah, I voted for him and I am the Anarchy party.

I only voted mainly because what shocked me was the immigration plan he has going on and now there is fear if it does happen now including vegas will be hurting. I don't see that, all I see is struggling family's looking for a job can now find a job that is here legally.

All I see is my ex-wife undocumented or on expired documents for over 10 years now gets deported finally and Karma is a bitch.

Do I care about anything else? na, I do like how the chaos that has rise up with the leechers who is afraid of a real change. No more free rides as I am a working class busting my ass off for things while people are getting shit and buying 80"inch tv's on their welfare checks and buy and sell funds from their EPT cards.

Exciting times are coming, America needs a business man as a leader a CEO and that is how AMerica will be lead by a real CEO as we are allready have new relationships building and he isn't even sworn into office.  His family is surrounded by Jewish from his daughters marriage and wife from Russia. He is a leader of high class and that is how America should be "High Class".

People are idiots to think he is a racist, bigot, and so on... The real non-racists are the ones who voted for Trump, the real racists are the ones burning the american flag, standing on the flag, and waving their own country's flag pointing the fingers out the ones who voted.

THere is even murder threats to people like us who voted for a CEO leader not just some idiot who gives free hand outs and delivers messages of hate and divide this country to think that the problem is not them. Like they are now protesting because they didn't get the win because of that this is how divided this country really is and how much people are dependent on the system that was poisoned to fail.

Winter is coming to these guys who are rioting pointing the racist fingers and claiming the victim card. Finally a president that will bring a real change is what everything has and outsider has moved in and now I feel great times are coming.

This will be epic.
